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Tim McGovern aka Soaring Wolf

Founder & President, Ascending Age of Soaring Wolf




Tim McGovern (aka Tim Soaring Wolf) is a clairvoyant empath, astrologer, and psychic/medium that loves to help people through his many abilities. He has a page "Ascending Age of Soaring Wolf" on Facebook and website at where he helps people with a variety of readings.  Besides being an astrologer and dream interpreter, Tim is a husband, father, teacher, musician, artist, and works a full time job.


From the age of 5, I have been no stranger to spiritual encounters, and its profound experiences that continued throughout my life. At 18, in search for more,  I went to Bible College, where I studied music and theology. While I hold my foundational beliefs dear to heart, the more taboo subjects less spoken about in church are what captivated my interest-- such as astrology, crystals, numerology, and magic (all topics also found in the bible.) 


When my spiritual awakening coincided with the lowest point of my life, I thought it a cosmic joke that my spiritual abilities would emerge during the most challenging of moments. My Saturn's Return brought on a major transformation, so much that I consider this my "death" stage, where my old self faded away, making room for who I am today. Eventually I realized that it wasn't a cosmic joke; it was just the beginning of visions, prophetic dreams, and other spiritual gifts I would come to discover and learn to utilize. 


As time passed, clarity came, and I began seeing patterns I never before perceived.  Synchronicity wove itself into the fabric of my daily existence, teaching me to trust my intuition in all aspects of life. Fueling my hunger for knowledge, I delved into various spiritual topics like numerology, astrology, and dream interpretation. My journey led me to read for myself, initially.  Then I began doing readings for family and friends. Eventually, I created my page online in 2012, and started reading for others outside my personal circle.  This led me to the many students and clients worldwide I am honored to meet, help and teach. I follow an eclectic spiritual path. I am an Astrologer, Psychic-Medium, Dream Interpreter and Curandero.


In 2015, I united with the love of my life, Priya Mc Govern, embarking on a shared journey of love and spiritual exploration. 


During my jou rney, I have contributed to Signs Magazine and Dream Codes Magazine between 2011-2012, laying the groundwork for my Facebook page, "Ascending Age of Soaring Wolf" and the book I am writing. Presently, I'm immersed in authoring a book based on our Dream Codes group on Facebook, that is a comprehensive dream dictionary and guide to dream interpretation. It also tells the story of our journey through Dream Codes, my own spiritual journey, and the Dream Codes class that was once taught live online.


As a teacher and guide, I love to share my knowledge in all spiritual topics, including Spirit Animal messages.  I craft dream pillows, dream catchers, and more recently Astro themed beaded bracelets. Each product is thoughtfully customized, and I'm eager to assist anyone with questions or personalized requests. Working on a spiritual level fills me with joy and purpose, as I strive to create a space where others can explore and grow on their unique spiritual journeys.  Thank you for joining me on this journey as we Ascend and Soar through the Cosmos together!


-Tim Soaring Wolf 

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